News | 2007 | We Have Ignition

Tesseracts Eleven

Yesterday was the Vancouver launch of Tesseracts Eleven at White Dwarf Books. Outside, the weather was awful, but inside, it was cozy, warm, and friendly. I got to meet some very interesting people and had a good time. Holly Phillips, one of the anthology's co-editors, hosted the event with humour and sincerity, while Daniel Archambault, Peter Darbyshire, and I each read from our stories. The very nice people at White Dwarf served seasonal snacks and beverages, and all in all, I think it went rather well.

John Mavin at White Dwarf Books


Peter Darbyshire, Holly Phillips, Daniel Archambault, and John Mavin
Peter Darbyshire, Holly Phillips, Daniel Archambault, and John Mavin
photos by Tom De Rybel

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